Are you attending the upcoming International Trademark Association Annual Meeting? Marksmen will be at INTA 2022 to say hello to clients, meet new colleagues, and lead two table discussions. Here’s what you need to know about the event and how to see us there.
The 144th annual INTA 2022 Annual Meeting takes place April 30 to May 4 in Washington, D.C. This year’s conference focuses on innovative ideas, fresh perspectives, and best practices in brand protection. After more than a century of INTA conferences, this year’s event will be revolutionary as it offers both a traditional attendance model and a fully virtual experience to allow anyone to participate either in person or from a distance.
Since 1998, Marksmen has been a world leader in brand protection services, trusted by attorneys and some of the biggest and best-known brands alike.
Our clients turn to us for our complete confidentiality, professionalism, and responsiveness when it comes to brand protection. We represent more than 10,000 clients in 100 countries, with more than 1.8 billion people actively using intellectual property, domain names, and social media handles secured by Marksmen.
At INTA 2022, we look forward to seeing clients and forging new connections with diverse brands and firms from around the world. We’re a leader in the field and feel a sense of duty to add to the thought leadership knowledge base of global brand protection. We’re not only attending the event but also actively participating as table discussion leaders.
Please join us as we host two table topic discussions at INTA 2022:
Imagine that someone was actively counterfeiting your products or infringing on your IP. Would you know what to do next? Marksmen encounters these situations constantly. In this table discussion, we’ll outline the process of conducting effective investigations that thoroughly, ethically, and quickly contain brand identity threats. We’ll cover pretext investigations, NFTs, blockchain, cryptocurrency, and more.
Navigating the Nuances of Brand Protection in Social Media
In today’s marketplace, having a savvy social media strategy is a must. This puts valuable brand assets like logos, websites, products, and trade dress out there for everyone to see (and replicate). At this table discussion, the Marksmen team discusses the nuances of managing, acquiring, and protecting IPs, trademarks, and domain names in the wild world of social media.
If you’re attending the INTA 2022 Annual Meeting, we’d love to know your plans and hope to see you there.